Development environment


Here you will find detailed introductions to the various development environments that you can use with the Joy-Car. Each development environment offers unique tools and features to help you get the most out of your Joy-Car. In these introductions, you will learn how to set up the development environments, what specific functions they offer and how you can make the best use of them to realize your projects.

Visit the following pages to learn more about each development environment and how to use them. Each page is designed to give you the knowledge you need to get started right away and realize your creative ideas with the Joy-Car.

MakeCode is designed more for beginners and offers a user-friendly, block-based programming environment. This visual programming method makes it easy to get started as you can create programs by simply assembling blocks instead of writing complex code. MakeCode is ideal for learning basic programming concepts and getting started quickly. It is especially useful for younger users or those who have little to no programming experience. With MakeCode, you can create simple and interactive programs that allow your Joy-Car to perform various tasks and reactions.

MicroPython, on the other hand, is aimed more at advanced users who already have programming experience or want to delve deeper into programming. MicroPython is a slimmed-down version of Python that has been specially developed for microcontrollers. The MuCode development environment requires an understanding of the Python programming language as well as basic knowledge of microcontrollers and how they work. MicroPython allows you to write more complex programs and take full control of the Joy-Car's hardware. It allows you to realize more precise controls and more sophisticated projects that go beyond the possibilities of block-based programming.

Basics of programming

This chapter explains the basics of programming. It is specifically designed to introduce beginners to the basic concepts and principles of programming.

Simple programming projects are presented to help you put what you have learned into practice. These projects are designed to gradually deepen your understanding and give you the opportunity to further develop your programming skills.

This chapter thus lays the foundation for all further programming activities and helps you develop a solid understanding of basic programming concepts that you can apply in both MakeCode and MicroPython.

Note: The sample codes for MicroPython are sometimes very complex and are primarily intended to reflect the codes from MakeCode. This means that for each example in MakeCode, a corresponding MicroPython code is provided that maps the same functionality.

Joy-Car Basics

This section presents basic code examples for programming the Joy-Car. These examples are intended to help you get to know and use the basic functions and control options of the Joy-Car. The examples cover both simple and advanced scenarios and are available in both MakeCode and MicroPython.



This section presents various projects that you can implement with the Joy-Car. These projects are designed to expand your programming skills and provide you with practical applications for controlling and using your Joy-Car. The projects are described in both MakeCode and MicroPython so that you can compare the solutions in both development environments and learn from them.